Sunday 23 March 2014

enough of my emotional things

people said it was hard to forget..really? i bet it more painful to wait what? waiting to get a dean list at least once? lol

i promised to myself not to harm my emotion anymore..i just keep silence from it or just log at here expressing myself..

time heals everything??
i guess yes or maybe much do i need? is that enough for 2 months to neutral back my mind, thought or forget? take forever?  no? 3 years? maybe..

i hear a voice inside my heart always said..aiza,you are master of waiting..yeah, almost of my life i do waiting,waiting and waiting..although i hate waiting but now it seems to be my

something i wrote randomly when i love write poem in the middle of night:

ibarat angin yang menerpa
kehadiran terasa tapi tak nyata
lalu hembus berlalu jua

bagai cahaya dimalam gelita
namun bila terpadam punca
gelap pasti akan terasa

seperti haba mencairkan
benteng ais kupertahankan
lalu mengalir air membuka laluan

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