Sunday 30 March 2014

bahas bahasa

hari ni terasa nak tulis pasal komunikasi atau mengenai bahasa yang digunakan..nama je belajar komunikasi tapi aku pun tak reti-reti lagi..

sebenarnya aku ni amatlah suka dengan bahasa melayu..bila? semuanya gara-gara masa form 3 tak silap aku..cikgu wan dan cikgu norafizan yang banyak dedahkan aku dengan karangan sampaikan aku jadi addicted dengan karangan dan mengejar markah BM untuk dapat paling tinggi dalam kelas..

bila masuk form 4..genre pun makin menaik dan makin susah..aku kena belajar banyak perkataan baru dan aplikasi dalam karangan..satu je yang aku suka..kepuasan bila cikgu tanda buku..aku suka tengok markah dan komen membina ;p

masuk form 5 pulak..permulaan baru..cikgu hazmiza dia perasan kecenderungan aku untuk menulis dan dia galakkan aku untuk menulis soalan no 5..first time aku cuba tulis cerpen, saje nak cabar diri..sebenarnya aku tulis untuk masuk pertandingan tapi tak tahu silap kat mana cikgu tak hantar..masa tu memang aku down gegila..sebabnya yang menang tu budak kelas bawah..protes aku sampai rosakkan prestasi gred BM masa midterm..haha..masa tu pulak ambik report card..padan muke kau aiza..

sejak form 4 n 5, BM aku memang antara A1 atau A2 je tapi insiden tu menyebabkan aku dapat B4..rupenye cerpen aku tu cikgu simpan masuk majalah sekolah -.-'. editor dia pulak kawan kelas aku..tapi aku tak suka cara dia taip balik cerpen tu..unsur suspens dia tukar jd cliche..hak cipta aku tuu..

cita-cita pun nak jadi cikgu BM tapi apakan daya hanya tinggal kenangan je..
pic yang hampir lupus..time abis spm..cara pakai tudung yg buat aku gelak sampai sekarang..that time aku pegi sekolah amik anugerah spm..mesti dapat agak kan? terbaik spm 2008 untuk matapelajaran Bahasa Melayu..

masuk balik topik kita, kenapa kita akan guna english bila situasi memaksa? aku menggunakan english atas 2 sebab semata..kekok atau speechless dan tengah marah..jenis aku ni suka baca balik conversation lama-lama..kadang2 aku rasa nak hantuk je kepala kat dinding sebab aku menggunakan english time aku kekok which is not sound to good for me..duhhhh

satu je aku kena perbaiki..aku kena banyak mulut..aku paling takut situasi berjumpa dengan orang baru nak kenal..rasa macam susahhhhnye nak bergaul tapi bila da selesa, akulah yang gilaa..

macam bestfriend aku kata, pemalu dan aku tak dapat dipisahkan tapi bila da rapat jadi sempoi pun post dia 2010 da 2014..walaupun kitaorang satu uitm tapi dia sangatlah buzy..kos event kan..

well, habis da kot..till meet again here.

Friday 28 March 2014


tak semua orang boleh melakukannya kerana menunggu adalah sesuatu yang susah untuk dilakukan..tapi ianya tak mustahil.

inilah persoalannya..berapa lama yang harus ditunggu untuk menjadikan diri sebagai penunggu? apakah perlukan seumur hidup ataupun sehingga sesuatu penantian itu berakhir tak kira waktu?
teori menunggu ni sebenarnya lebih menjurus kepada sesuatu yang kedua-dua pihak yang salah seorang tak menerima manfaat or so called win-lose situation..

apabila mengejari pihak yang lain, it look like pathetic..aku takkan mengejar cinta sebab makin dikejar makin ia lari jauh dari aku..
so, dari mengejar beralih ke menunggu..the hardest part ever..sampai bila seseorang tu sanggup menunggu?

let it go..if you love somebody, let them go. if they return, they were always yours. if don't, they never were.  simple but hard to do right?

sebenarnya aku tak rasa layak pun nak tulis semua ni..just my 2cent..

lastly, my next poem that i think really suit this writing

bukan pemilik rusuk cinta diberi
hela udara bukan dari hembusannya
patri janji pada bukan yang akan penuhi
merindu pada bukan yang kumiliki
menunggu pada bukan yang menanti
mencintai insan bukan pemilik hati
setia pada yang tidak pasti
taruh harap pada yang tak sudi
bermimpi melawan realiti

La Finna

Wednesday 26 March 2014

remember birthday without facebook reminder

happy birthday to someone that i still remembered till now..without facebook reminder of course..

aku selalu ingat tarikh lahir orang yang aku rasakan aku perlu ingat sama ada kawan baik, mahupun kenalan rapat yang lain ini tak termasuk keluarga, i means people who not my family..pemilik tarikh lahir dan tahun dirahsiakan..

1  . 30 januari
2.   26 februari
3.   27 mac
4.   03 jun
5.   21 julai
6.   03 ogos
7.   12 ogos
8.   21 ogos
9.   30 ogos
10. 13 oktober

tak banyak pun but at least i can remember without fb reminder :)

tabiat lain, aku suka hafal nama penuh orang..sebab? kalau nak tulis nama group senang kot ..tak payah asyik2 nak tanya bin binti ape..10 orang kat atas tu, semua nama penuh aku masih ingat lagi..

Monday 24 March 2014

hijab? oh NOOOOO..

Today, i would like to share with you all about hijab or in malay language it is called as tudung. Hijab literally means to cover, to veil or to shelter. In Islam, women have been ordered to cover themselves and be modest.

The term hijab has different meanings and connotations in various cultures, peoples and places around the world. The hijab is understood differently and the way it is worn differs from one person to the next. Some Muslim women are of the belief that it is not imperative to don the hijab, while others believe that if a woman neglects to wear hijab, she will be liable to punishment.

The Quran states:
"They (the believing women) should draw their head coverings over their bosoms."
(An-Nur 24:31)
Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kerudung ke dadanya...  

"Oh the Prophet SAW,  Tell thy wives and daughters and the  believing women that they should put on their outer garments; that is most convenient in order that they may be recognized (as Muslims) and not be molested."
(Al-Ahzab 33:59)
Wahai Nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan wanita-wanita yang beriman; ' Hendaklah mereka menutupkan pakaian ke seluruh tubuh mereka. Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih senang dikenali, sehingga mereka tidak diganggu.

It is obviously stated in Al Quran that wearing hijab is compulsary but there are still Muslimahs who still refuse to wear hijab. 
Some of them would say:

My position (in profession/work) does not allow me to substitute my dress for Islamic dress.

It is very hot in my country, and I can not stand it. How could I bear the heat if I wore the hijab?
(The Hell is much much hotter than the hottest place in the World)

I am afraid that if I wear the hijab, I will take it off at some future time because I have seen so many others do this!
(If you really wear the hijab because of Allah and of your own willing then you'll never want to put it off afterwards)

If I wear the hijab then nobody will marry me as i would look less beauty compared to others who are not wearing hijab, so I am going to leave it off until then.
(When you buy things at the supermarket or anywhere.. would you choose the one that is used as exhibition or would you ask for a new one that is still covered with its packaging??)

I know that hijab is obligatory (wajib), but I will wear it when Almighty Allah guides me to do so.
(Doesn't Allah has given us Al Quran as a guide and in Al Quran, it is stated that hijab is compulsary and furthermore it is also stated that Allah won't change ones heart untill they change it by themselves..)

It is not time for that yet. I am still too young to wear hijab. I will do it when I get older, and after I go on Hajj. This has been typically said by our artists, right??
(What would happen if there is no old time for you to repent??)

Many excuses were given by those who does not want to follow the obligation of wearing the hijab. But, although there are incidents in which women have been taunted for wearing hijab, a woman wearing it is often looked upon with great respect. 

For example, we can see a clear distinction in the way the boys at our school or college treated women who wear hijab compared to those who do not wear it. Yeah, i'm myself could really see this scenario.  In my university, i could see the boys (even they are non -muslim) are not dare to touch the hijab-wearing girls and if they are unintentionally done that, they would ask for forgiveness and say sorry for that. Contrary to the girls of not not wearing hijab, the boys would easily touch and even hug ( a kind of act that imitate hug but not really hugging la..) them without asking them for permission..

Besides, when wearing the hijab, we can easily be identified as a Muslim. Contrary to what some may think, many women who wear hijab mentioned that they feel more confident. The hijab covers the adornment of women and generally protects her from being looked upon with lust. And i'm myself feels the same too.. Sometimes when i wear some kind of a shorter hijab, i won't feel comfortable and was unconfident with myself when walking in front others.

There is a forum or some kind of it.. Someone posted the question of the advantages of wearing hijab and a non-Muslim male replied saying:

I am not a Muslim, but I can tell you that people will respect you more. There are too many half-naked women walking the streets these days. Wearing hijab shows that you have dignity and respect for yourself and God.

"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons... " 
(An-Nur 24:31)

In fact, we should remember that hijab has a much deeper meaning than the literal concept of covering ones self. It is much more than merely covering our heads. We should not demean those who do not wear the hijab and consider ourselves to be any better than them.

Almighty Allah is the best of judges and it is He alone who knows what is in the heart of each person. May Allah the Almighty grant us all the guidance to live our lives in compliance with His commands.

Sunday 23 March 2014

enough of my emotional things

people said it was hard to forget..really? i bet it more painful to wait what? waiting to get a dean list at least once? lol

i promised to myself not to harm my emotion anymore..i just keep silence from it or just log at here expressing myself..

time heals everything??
i guess yes or maybe much do i need? is that enough for 2 months to neutral back my mind, thought or forget? take forever?  no? 3 years? maybe..

i hear a voice inside my heart always said..aiza,you are master of waiting..yeah, almost of my life i do waiting,waiting and waiting..although i hate waiting but now it seems to be my

something i wrote randomly when i love write poem in the middle of night:

ibarat angin yang menerpa
kehadiran terasa tapi tak nyata
lalu hembus berlalu jua

bagai cahaya dimalam gelita
namun bila terpadam punca
gelap pasti akan terasa

seperti haba mencairkan
benteng ais kupertahankan
lalu mengalir air membuka laluan


andainya kau tahu
apakah rahsia hatiku
adakah kau mahu
tunaikan permintaanku?

berada denganku
tiap ketika dan waktu
tak biarku merindu
walau sesaat tanpa hadirmu

mustahilkah ia?
berangan seperti cinderella
yang pasti tersedar jua
harapan dalam mimpinya
realiti tetap menanti si dia

*lafinna, 23 mac 2014: 1:56 a.m